Testing Alipay Services : Simulating Response Messages

Simulating Response Messages
Check Status Response
By including a predetermined value in the ap_initiate_trans_ref_no request field, you can generate specific responses in the check status transaction reply message.
To simulate a payment check status response:
Step 1
Request the initiate payment service. Include one of the following transaction reference numbers in the request for the appropriate response. See Table 5.
Step 2
Table 5
Refund Response
By including a predetermined value in the grand_total_amount request field, you can generate specific responses in the refund transaction reply message.
To simulate a refund payment response:
Any refund amount between 10 and 19 triggers a specific error response.
Step 1
Step 2
Request the refund service and include the request ID returned from the initiate payment request. See Refunding a Payment. Include one of the following amounts in the refund request to receive the specific response.