Available Reports
Payment activity reconciliation reports track purchases and refunds, funds posted to your bank account, and fees that have been assessed for a merchant entity. These are the payment activity reconciliation reports: Payment Activity Summary Report, Purchase & Refund Details Report, and Transfer Log Report.
Exception management reports track chargebacks and representment events and provide information for retrieval requests. These are the exception management reports: Chargeback & Representment Summary Report, and Chargeback & Representment Details.
Payment performance reports improve performance by analyzing chargebacks and authorization declines. These are the payment performance reports: Chargeback Analysis Report, and Authorization Analysis Report.
Self-service report requests enable you to search for transactions by submission date. For acquiring transactions, the submission date occurs after the transactions have been settled and are sent back from the processor as successful settlements. For non-acquiring transactions, the submission date is the date that the transaction was submitted to CyberSource.
For information about retrieving reports using an API, see the CyberSource Merchant Account Reporting Developer Guide. Report file formats are described in this guide.