Custom Reports : Custom Report Concepts

Custom Report Concepts
This section introduces concepts that will help you create reports to best suit your needs. See "Creating a Report," page 17, for step-by-step information on creating and configuring reports.
The Custom Reports module provides two kinds of reports:
Both recurring and one-time reports are available for download from the New Business Center.
Recurring Report Subscriptions
A recurring report subscription is a template that describes the attributes of a report, including how often it runs and the period of time it spans. After your recurring report is generated, it is available for download on the Available Reports page. Users can create 20 report subscriptions.
The user can customize the following attributes of a recurring subscription:
Frequency and Start Time
Together, frequency and start time determine the contents of a report. When the report runs, it uses the start time and frequency to determine the ending time for transactions in the report. The frequency controls how often your report is generated. For example:
Generate Date and Time
The generate date and time varies depending on the amount of time it takes to generate the report. Recurring daily reports are generated and available for download within 6 hours of the start time. For example:
The exact amount of time that is needed to generate a recurring daily report varies based on the size of the report and the load on the system.
Auto-Subscribed Reports
Newly boarded merchants are automatically subscribed to the following reports:
The tables below list the fields that are included by default for these auto-subscribed reports.
These subscriptions can be deleted or modified by the merchant. See Appendix B, Report Fields Available for a full list of available fields in each report.
One-Time Reports
A one-time report runs only once, and spans a period of time in the past, and can include up to 31 days of data. For example, a one-time report can contain transactions that occurred between 5:00 p.m. on 6/1/2016 and 4:59 p.m. on 6/7/2016.
A one-time report might be useful when:
When you need past information that spans more than 31 days, you can create multiple one-time reports. In order to protect system performance, each user is able to generate up to three one-time reports concurrently. Additional one-time reports can be scheduled after the first three reports complete.
After your one-time report is generated, it is available for download on the Available Reports page. Depending on the size of the report, it might take longer than 6 hours to generate.
Finding a One-Time Report
By default, reports on the Available Reports page are sorted by report date range. If you created a one-time report that spans a period of time several days or more in the past, it might not appear on the first page of Available Reports. To quickly find a one-time report, filter the result set by frequency and select One Time.
Reports for Account-Level (SSO) Users
Account-level users (SSO) can create reports for themselves; the reports contain data for all of the organizations under that SSO. In addition, account-level users can view reports created by organizations under them. Account-level users cannot create reports on behalf of organizations under their account.
Report Types
You can customize reports by adding fields to those that are required in the report. The following base reports are available:
Gateway Reports
Transaction Request Report (TRR)— all transactions that pass through the CyberSource gateway in the given interval. For example, this report might contain authorizations (ics_auth), sales and refunds (ics_auth/ics_bill, ics_sale, ics_refund), or new subscriptions (ics_subscription_create). Merchants can use this report to audit their logs and enrich their analytics data.
This report is similar to the Transaction Detail Report (TDR) found in the Classic Business Center. Both reports contain all transactions that pass through the CyberSource gateway. If you want to create a Transaction Request Report that is similar to the TDR, see "Transitioning to the New Custom Reports," page 23.
To ensure that the report contains the most recently batched transactions, schedule this report to begin an hour or two after your daily batch end time. You can also choose to schedule multiple Payment Batch Detail Reports to suit your needs.
The ability to configure the time period covered in a daily report offers more flexibility than the current Business Center reporting. However, there are nuances to consider about your Payment Batch Detail Report. Consider the following cases. For some merchants, the batch cut-off time may occur after the end of the logical business day. For example:
In this situation, it would be useful to schedule the PBDR to begin at 8:00 p.m. PST so that it contains the transactions batched from the logical business day.
For other merchants, the batch cut-off time may occur within the logical business day. For example:
In this situation, transactions from your logical business day will span two batches. Some transactions will be in the batch at 9:00 p.m., and others will be in the next day's batch. You might want to schedule your report to begin at 10:00 p.m. EST, because transactions with a batch date after 10:00 p.m. EST appear on the following day's report, because they will be in the following day's batch. You can also choose to schedule multiple Payment Batch Detail Reports to suit your needs.
For some merchants, the batch date will occur one calendar day after the transactions occur.
Sometimes a transaction request date is different from the batch date. For example:
In this situation, transactions that are captured on May 3 have a batch date of May 4.
This report is similar to the Payment Batch Detail Report found in the Classic Business Center. If you want to create a new Payment Batch Detail Report that is similar to the current report, see "Transitioning to the New Custom Reports," page 23.
Merchant Account Reports
These reports are currently available for merchants processing with Global Payments and AliPay:
Fee Summary Report—a summary of monthly fee information. This report should be configured as a monthly report, with the start date after the 8th of the month.
Creating a Report
When you select a report type, required fields are automatically included. You can add fields to the report as necessary.
Use the tables in Chapter 2, "Report Field Mappings," on page 23, to choose the fields for either the SCMP or the SO API naming conventions.
To create a report:
Step 1
Step 2
Click Manage Reports.
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
From the Report Type drop-down menu, choose a report.
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Only the application type(s) you select are returned in the report, even if a related application type exists for the transaction. For example, if you filter by ics_auth, and the transaction also includes a related ics_bill application, only the ics_auth application appears in the report.
Step 11
Step 12
Fields are added to the Selected list as you select them.
Step 13
Click Save.
Downloading Reports
To download a report:
Step 1
A list of all available reports appears on the main reports page.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Click the CSV or XML icon for the report you want to download.
Editing Reports
To edit a report:
Step 1
Step 2
Click Manage Reports.
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Click Save.
Deleting Report Subscriptions
To delete a report subscription:
Step 1
Step 2
Click Manage Reports.
Step 3
Step 4
Click Delete.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can use custom reports?
Merchant and account-level users and resellers can use the Custom Reports feature to download reports and to create, edit, or delete subscriptions. Account-level users (SSO) can also download the reports that their MIDs create. Users with View/Download Reports permissions can use the Custom Reports feature.
How soon will my generated report be ready?
Daily recurring reports are available for download within 6 hours of the report start time. Weekly, monthly, and one-time reports might take longer than 6 hours.
Can custom reports be downloaded programmatically?
At this time, the reports cannot be downloaded programmatically. This feature is not yet available.
Is there a limit to the size of a generated report?
The report can be any size, but it might take more time to download depending on the file size and the user’s network speed.
Which report fields can I add to a custom report?
Refer to "Report Fields Available," page 69, which contains a list of available fields in each report.
Where can I find report field descriptions?
Refer to "Report Field Definitions," page 43, for field descriptions.
How can I identify declined authorizations in my reports?
In the Transaction Request Report, authorizations are recorded in the ApplicationName field as ics_auth. If the authorization was declined, the value in the RCode field will be 0. Additional information related to the decline can be found in the RFlag and the RMsg fields.
How do I interpret the rFlag for an authorization?
For more information, see:
Which browsers are supported?
Internet Explorer 10 and 11, and the latest two versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
Should the Fee Detail report totals match the fee total on the Net Funding panel?
Fee details report totals should match the total on Net Funding panel.
For daily merchants, the interchange, discount, and standard assessments are detected daily and should be reflected in the Net Funding panel. There are also some month-end fees, such as authorizations, that are detected at the end of the month and would match in the Net Funding panel on that particular day.
For monthly merchants, there are not any fee details in a daily report because fees are charged only at the month-end. On that particular day, the report should match the Net Funding panel.
Should the Deposit Detail report totals match the Net Funded totals in the Net Funding panel?
Should the Funding Detail report totals match the Net Funded totals in the Net Funding panel?
No. Funding details totals are a positive amount. The total in Net Funding is obtained after subtracting chargebacks, fees, and any other negative amounts.
Should the Funding Detail report match the Deposit Detail report?
Should the Chargeback Detail report totals match the Net Funding panel?
Yes. Only the first and second chargebacks have financial impact to merchants. If you count the first and second chargebacks in the Chargeback detail report, that should match Net Funding.
What is the reporting cycle of the Invoice Summary Report?
The Invoice Summary Report contains transactions that happen between 12:00 a.m. PST on the first day of the month and 11:59:59 p.m. on the last day of the month.
How does the data listed in the Classic Business Center Payment Batch Detail Report reconcile with the same report in the New Business Center?
If you would like to configure your new Payment Batch Detail report to contain the same transactions that appear in the same report in the Classic Business Center, then schedule the report to begin at 12:00 a.m. PST. In this case, the two reports will contain the same transactions.
Should the Classic Business Center Payment Batch Summary Report match the Net Funding panel?
Can you tell me if the Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) is reflected in any of our acquiring reports?
It is exposed as Transaction Reference Number in our reports. GPN returns the ARN which is a combination of CYBS trans_ref_no with something specific from Global Payments,
Why can’t I change the time and timezone of the Invoice Summary Report?
The Invoice Summary Report is designed to run on the same cycle as CyberSource monthly billing. This report is expected to contain the transactions that are billed for the month.
How can I get a one-time Invoice Summary report to cover the same period of time as my CYBS invoice?
To create a one-time Invoice Summary report that reflects a CYBS invoice, select the start date as the first day of the month; the end date as the last day of the month; and time zone as GMT.