API Fields : Request Fields

Request Fields
Naming Conventions for Simple Order API Request Fields
For most Simple Order API request fields, the field name that you use in your code must be prefaced with the name of the service that is being called followed by an underscore
( _ ). In the following table, an asterisk (*) before a field name indicates that you should
not preface the field name with the service name.
Request Field Descriptions
Table 16
Example 12345-6789
Example A1B 2C3
Complete: Complete capture
NotComplete: Partial capture
If you set this field to a value other than default or one of the shipping and handling values, you must also include these item-level fields in your request:
This field is required if the product code is not default or one of the shipping and handling values. See Numbered Elements.
The default for this field is 1. This field is required if the product code is not default or one of the shipping and handling values. See Numbered Elements.
Per-item price of the product. You must include either this field or purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount in your request. See Numbered Elements. Also see the information about items and grand totals in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API.
Denied: You denied the payment. You can deny a payment only if the payment was pending.
Pending: The payment is pending. To find out why the payment is pending, request payPalGetTxnDetailsService and look at the value for the paypalPendingReason field in the reply message.
Processing: The payment is being processed.
Reversed: The payment was reversed as the result of a chargeback or other type of reversal. The funds were removed from your account balance and returned to the buyer.
Success: The payment was completed and the funds were successfully added to your account balance.
1: Display the customer-supplied address.
0 (default): Display the address on file with PayPal. The customer cannot edit this address.
For payPalAuthReversalService, use the number returned in the payPalEcOrderSetupReply_transactionId field.
Value of requestID returned from a previous request for payPalAuthorizationService. This is the requestID of the authorization you want to capture or reverse.
Active: The billing agreement is active.
Canceled: The billing agreement is canceled.
Type of billing agreement to create. The only possible value is MerchantInitiated
, which creates a billing agreement for payments that you initiate.
Value of requestID returned from a previous request for paypalDoCaptureService. When calling payPalRefundService, this is the requestID of the capture you want to credit.
Value of requestID returned from a previous request for payPalDoRefTransactionService.
Value of requestID returned from a previous request for payPalEcDoPaymentService. This is the requestID of the payment you want to capture or reverse.
Value of requestID returned from a previous request for payPalEcOrderSetupService. This is the requestID of the order setup you want to authorize or reverse.
Value of requestID returned from a previous request for payPalEcSetService.
AU: Australia
DE: Germany
ES: Spain
FR: France
GB: United Kingdom
IT: Italy
US (default): United States
If you provide this value and paypalHdrimg in your request, PayPal uses this value and ignores paypalHdrimg.
0 (default): Shipping address fields should be displayed.
1: Shipping address fields should not be displayed.
For a standard order: In the payPalEcDoPaymentReply_transactionId in the reply from payPalEcDoPaymentService.
For a custom order: In the payPalEcOrderSetupReply_transactionId in the reply from payPalEcOrderSetupService.
0 (default): Shipping address need not be confirmed.
1: Shipping address must be confirmed.
0 (default): Do not return FMF results.
1: Return FMF results.
For payPalEcSetService, payPalEcDo
, payPalEcOrderSetup
, and payPalDoRefTransaction
the request must include either this field or item_0_unitPrice. See the information about items and grand totals in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API.
0: Do not return the customer’s billing address.
1: Return the customer’s billing address.
true: Include the service in your request.
false (default): Do not include the service in your request.
Example 12345-6789
Example A1B 2C3
Value of transactionId returned from a previous request. This is the transactionId of the transaction for which you are requesting information.