Processing Transactions : Updating a Payment Token

Updating a Payment Token
Payment Card
The payment_token field identifies the card and retrieves the associated billing, shipping, and payment information.
Include the endpoint that supports update_payment_token or the endpoint that supports authorization,update_payment_token (updates the token and authorizes the transaction) or sale,update_payment_token (updates the token and processes the transaction). See Sample Transaction Process Using JSPYou must include the allow_payment_token_update field and set it to true.
Example 13
signed_field_names=comma separated list of signed fields
unsigned_field_names=comma separated list of unsigned fields
Example 14
signed_field_names=comma separated list of signed fields
The payment_token field identifies the eCheck account and retrieves the associated billing, shipping, and payment information.
Include the endpoint that supports update_payment_token or the endpoint that supports sale,update_payment_token (updates the token and processes the transaction). You must include the allow_payment_token_update field and set to true.
Example 15
Example 16