Preparing Your Hosted Order Page or Simple Order API Implementation
If you plan to use the Hosted Order Page or the Simple Order API, you need to prepare your implementation before going live:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Request test transactions, including authorizations, captures, and credits, with your own credit card. If you prefer to use test credit card numbers, use those provided below with any future expiration date.
To make it easy to tell what card(s) is processed successfully, you can use varying amounts for each type of credit card that you accept, such as $1.00 for Visa, $1.03 for MasterCard, and $1.06 for American Express. To simulate error messages with the Simple Order API, use the information in the Testing Simulator supplement.
If transactions fail, your payment processor information is may be incorrect. To confirm your payment processor information, contact your acquiring bank.
Although you can run test transactions now, make sure to read Preparing to Process Card-Present Transactions before you start accepting your customers’ orders. That section is crucial to understanding how you can process authorizations, sales, and credits successfully with the Hosted Order Page.
Step 4
When your testing is completed, you are ready to go live.