To view the Payment Batch Summary report:

  1. In the left navigation panel, click the Reporting icon.
  2. Under Transaction Reports, click Payment Batch Summary. The Payment Batch Summary Report page appears.
  3. In the search toolbar, select the Frequency filter you want to include in the report.
  4. Portfolio users: select the Merchant for whom you want to view data. Account level users: select a Merchant to filter by an individual merchant instead of by account values.
  5. Based on the Frequency selected, choose the specific day, week, or month you want to review. 

Only months that have already occurred in the current year display in the Month list. To view all months of a previous year, select the year first, then choose the desired month. 

To view results from the period prior to or following the selected period, click Previous or Next below the search toolbar.
  6. Select the Currency code of the transactions you want to include.
  7. Click Export and choose your desired aggregation options and file format. Export options are based on the frequency selected.
  8. Follow your browser’s instructions to open and save the file.