Bill To Fields

Table 1. Bill To Fields
Field Name Definition Data Type 
(Length) SOAPI Value SCMP Value
Address1 First line of the billing street address as it appears on the credit card issuer’s records. VARCHAR2 (400) billTo_street1 bill_address1
Address2 Additional address information. VARCHAR2 (400) billTo_street2 bill_address1
City City of the billing address. VARCHAR2 (50) billTo_city bill_city
CompanyName Name of the customer’s company. VARCHAR2 (60) billTo_company company_name
CompanyTaxID Tax identification number of customer's company. VARCHAR2 (9) billTo_companyTaxID bill_company_tax_id
Country Country of the billing address. VARCHAR2 (2) billTo_country bill_country
CustomerID Your identifier for the customer. VARCHAR2 (30) billTo_customerID customer_account_id
Email Customer’s email address, including the full domain name. VARCHAR2 (1500) billTo_email customer_email
FirstName First name of the billed customer. VARCHAR2 60) billTo_firstName customer_firstname
HostName DNS resolved hostname from 
billTo_ipAddress. VARCHAR2 (255) billTo_hostname customer_hostname
IPAddress Customer’s IP address. VARCHAR2 (15) billTo_ipAddress customer_ipaddress
LastName Last name of the billed customer. VARCHAR2 (60) billTo_lastName customer_lastname
MiddleName Middle name of the billed customer. VARCHAR2 (60) billTo_middleName customer_middlename
NameSuffix Suffix of billed customer. VARCHAR2 (60) billTo_suffix customer_suffix
PersonalID Personal identifier. This field is supported only for Redecard in Brazil for Cybersource Latin American Processing. Set this field to the Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF), which is required for AVS for Redecard in Brazil. VARCHAR2 (40) billTo_personalID personal_id
Phone Customer’s phone number. VARCHAR2 (100) billTo_phoneNumber customer_phone
State State or province of the billing address. VARCHAR2 (64) billTo_state bill_state
Title Title of the billed customer. VARCHAR2 (30) billTo_title customer_title
UserName Customer's user name. VARCHAR2 (30) billTo_customerUserName customer_username
Zip Zip/Postal code for the billing address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. VARCHAR2 (10) billTo_postalCode bill_zip