Gift Card Fields

Table 1. Gift Card Fields
Field Name Definition Data Type 
(Length) SOAPI Value SCMP Value
CurrentBalance Current gift card balance in your local currency. String (12) giftCard_currentBalance gift_card_current_balance

Previous gift card balance in your local currency. This value was the gift card balance before the concurrent transaction was applied to the gift card.

This field is supported only on ValueLink.

For example, when a customer purchases a gift card and uses the gift card to purchase a product at the same time, the response message includes:

  • Previous gift card balance, which was the balance before the purchase of the product
  • Current gift card balance, which is the balance after the purchase of the product
String (12) giftCard_previousBalance gift_card_previous_balance

Type of redemption.

Possible values:


This field is supported only on ValueLink.

String (26) giftCard_previousBalance gift_card_redemption_type