Payment Data Fields

Table 1. Payment Data Fields
Field Name Definition Data Type 
(Length) SCMP Value
AAV_CAVV Optional authentication data that you can receive after the customer is authenticated. VARCHAR2 (3) cavv
ACHVerificationResult Raw result of the ACH Verification service. ecp_debit_verification_code_raw
Mapped Mapped result of the ACH Verification service. ecp_debit_verification_code
AcquirerMerchantNumber Identifier that was assigned to you by your acquirer. This value must be printed on the receipt. String (15)
Amount Grand total for the order. Number (19) grand_total_amount
AuthorizationCode Authorization code for the payment. VARCHAR2 (15) auth_code
AuthorizationType Authorization type of the payment. VARCHAR2 (1) auth_type
AVSResult Raw code for Address Verification Service result for the payment. VARCHAR2 (10) auth_avs_raw
AVSResultMapped Address Verification Service result for the payment. VARCHAR2 (5) auth_auth_avs
BalanceAmount Remaining balance on the account. Number (19) account_balance
BalanceCurrencyCode Currency of the remaining balance on the account. VARCHAR2 (3) account_balance_currency
BankAccountName Name of account holder. VARCHAR2 (90) bank_account_name
BankCode Bank code or sort code for the account if a bank account was used for the transaction. VARCHAR2 (15) bank_code
BinNumber Bank identification number. VARCHAR2 (6)
CardCategory Type of card used in the transaction. VARCHAR2 (10)
CardCategoryCode Category code of card used in the transaction.
CardPresent Indicates whether the card is present at the time of the transaction. String (1)
CurrencyCode Currency code for the payment. VARCHAR2 (3) currency
CVResult CVN result code. auth_cv_result
DCCIndicator Flag that indicates whether DCC is being used for the transaction. VARCHAR2 (1) dcc_indcator
ECI Optional information that you can receive if you use the Payer Authentication service. Number (5) e_commerce_indicator
eCommerceIndicator Type of eCommerce transaction. CHAR (1)
EMVRequestFallback Indicates that a fallback method was used to enter credit card information into the POS terminal. String (5)
EVEmail Mapped Electronic Verification response code for the customer’s email address. VARCHAR2 (5) auth_ev_email
EVEmailRaw Raw Electronic Verification response code from the processor for the customer’s email address. VARCHAR2 (10) auth_ev_emai_raw
EventType Type of event that occurred for the transaction.
EVName Mapped Electronic Verification response code for the customer’s name. VARCHAR2 (5) auth_ev_name
EVNameRaw Raw Electronic Verification response code from the processor for the customer’s last name. VARCHAR2 (10) auth_ev_name_raw
EVPhoneNumber Mapped Electronic Verification response code for the customer’s phone number. VARCHAR2 (5) auth_ev_phone_number
EVPhoneNumberRaw Raw Electronic Verification response code from the processor for the customer’s phone number. VARCHAR2 (10) auth_ev_phone_number_raw
EVPostalCode Mapped Electronic Verification response code for the customer’s postal code. VARCHAR2 (5) auth_ev_postal_code
EVPostalCodeRaw Raw Electronic Verification response code from the processor for the customer’s postal code. VARCHAR2 (10) auth_ev_postal_code_raw
EVStreet Mapped Electronic Verification response code for the customer’s street address. VARCHAR2 (5) auth_ev_street
EVStreetRaw Raw Electronic Verification response code from the processor for the customer’s street address. VARCHAR2 (10) auth_ev_street_raw
ExchangeRate Exchange rate. Number (27) exchange_rate
ExchangeRateDate Time stamp for the exchange rate. Date exchange_rate_timestamp
GrandTotal Grand total amount for the order, including tax, for requests that do not contain payment information. Number (19)
IssuerResponseCode Additional authorization code that must be printed on the receipt when returned by the processor. VARCHAR2 (15)
JpoJccaTerminalID Unique terminal identifier provided by Japan Credit Card Association (JCCA). jpo_jcca_terminal_id
JpoPaymentMethod Indicates Japanese payment option being used. jpo_payment_method
MerchantCategoryCode Four-digit number that payment card industry uses to classify merchants into market segments. merchant_category_code
NumberOfInstallments Total number of installments when making payments in installments. VARCHAR2 (3) installment_total_count
PaymentProcessor Name of payment processor. VARCHAR2 (40) payment_processor
PaymentProductCode Type of payment product used by the consumer to pay on a payment provider’s site, such as installments or bank transfer.
PaymentRequestID Original request ID for the purchase. Number (26)
PinType Method that was used to verify the cardholder's identity. Integer (1)
POSCatLevel Type of cardholder-activated terminal. Non-negative Integer (1) cat_level
POSEntryMode Method of entering credit card information into the POS terminal. String (11) pos_entry_mode
POSEnvironment Operating environment. String (1) pos_environment
POSTerminalCapability POS terminal’s capability. terminal_capability
ProcessorResponseCode The error message sent directly from the bank. VARCHAR2 (60) auth_auth_response


ProcessorResponseID Response ID sent from the processor. VARCHAR2 (50)
ProcessorTID Transaction identification (TID) that is used to identify and track a transaction throughout its life cycle. VARCHAR2 (60) terminal_id
ProcessorTransactionID auth_processor_trans_id
RequestedAmount Amount requested to be authorized. Number (19) auth_request_amount
RequestedAmountCurrencyCode Currency for the amount requested to be authorized. VARCHAR2 (5) auth_request_amount_currency
RoutingNetworkType Processor scheme used for routing the transaction. String (1)
SalesSlipNumber Transaction identifier that you generate. sales_slip_number
ShopName Name of the shop. jpo_business_name_alphanumeric
ShopNameKatakana Shop name displayed in katakana characters. jpo_business_name_katakana
ShopNameLocal Shop name displayed in local dialect. jpo_business_name_japanese
SolutionType Type of digital payment used.

Valid values:




StoreAndForwardIndicator When connectivity is unavailable, the client software that is installed on the POS terminal can store a transaction in its memory and send it for authorization when connectivity is restored. String (5) store_and_forward_indicator
SubMerchantCity Sub-merchant’s city. submerchant_city
SubMerchantCountry Sub-merchant’s country. submerchant_country
SubMerchantEmail Sub-merchant’s email address. submerchant_email
SubMerchantID Identifier assigned to sub-merchant. submerchant_id
SubMerchantName Sub-merchant’s name. submerchant_name
SubMerchantPhone Sub-merchant’s phone number. submerchant_phone
SubMerchantPostalCode Sub-merchant’s ZIP/Postal code. submerchant_postal_code
SubMerchantState Sub-merchant’s state. submerchant_state
SubMerchantStreet First line of sub-merchant’s street address. submerchant_street
SubsequentAuth Indicates whether the transaction is a merchant-initiated transaction or subsequent authorization. String (1) subsequent_auth
SubsequentAuthFirst Indicates whether the customer initiated the transaction and whether the credentials are stored for future authorizations. String (1) subsequent_auth_first
SubsequentAuthReason Reason for the merchant-initiated transaction or incremental authorization. String (1) subsequent_auth_reason
SubsequentAuthStoredCredential Indicates whether you obtained the payment information from credentials on file (COF) instead of from the customer. String (1) subsequent_auth_stored_credential
SubsequentAuthTransactionID Network transaction identifier that was returned for a previous authorization in the series. String (15) subsequent_auth_transaction_id
TargetAmount Converted amount. Number (19) foreign_amount
TargetCurrency Billing currency. VARCHAR2 (3) foreign_currency
TerminalIDAlternate Identifier for an alternate terminal at your retail location. String (8)
TotalTaxAmount Total tax amount for all of the line items in the transaction. Number (19) total_tax_amount
TransactionRefNumber Reference number for the transaction. VARCHAR2 (60)
XID Optional transaction identifier generated by Payer Authentication that you can receive when the customer is enrolled and when validation is successful. VARCHAR2 (40) xid