Tax Fields

Table 1. Tax Fields
Field Name Definition Data Type 
(Length) SOAPI Values SCMP Values
Country Credit card billing country. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. When shipTo_country is not provided, billTo_ country is used in its place. When billTo_country is set to US or CA,billTo_postalCode and billTo_state are also required. It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction you are requesting. String (15) billTo_country bill_country
CurrencyCode String (5) purchaseTotals_currency currency
InvoiceDate Date of the tax calculation. Use format YYYYMMDD. You can provide a date in the past if you are calculating tax for a refund and want to know what the tax was on the date the order was placed. You can provide a date in the future if you are calculating the tax for a future date, such as an upcoming tax holiday.
Note: The default is the date, in Pacific time, that the request is received. Keep this in mind if you are in a different time zone and want the tax calculated with the rates that apply on a specific date.
String (8) invoiceHeader_invoiceDate invoice_date
JurisdictionName Free-text description of the jurisdiction for the item. For example, San Mateo County.Returned only if the show_tax_per_offer field is set to yes. String (15) tax_ offer#_jurisdiction#_name
JurisdictionType Free-text description of the jurisdiction for the item. For example, San Mateo County.Returned only if the show_tax_per_offer field is set to yes. String (15) taxReply_item_#_jurisdiction0..n
LineItemAmount Line Amount total. String (15)
LineNo String (15)
MerchantIdentifer Merchant ID. Use the same merchant ID for evaluation, testing, and production. String (30) merchantID merchant_id
ReferenceCode Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. See Getting Started with Cybersource Advanced for the SCMP API for more information. String (50) merchantReference
Code merchant_ref_number
AcceptanceCity This item-level field overrides the corresponding request-level field. This field is not used unless the item_#_ orderAcceptance
State and item_#_ orderAcceptance
Country fields are present. String (50) item_#_orderAcceptanceCity order_acceptance_city
Country This item-level field overrides the corresponding request-level field. This field is not used unless the item_#_ orderAcceptanceState and item_#_ orderAcceptanceCity fields are present. Use the two-character ISO Standard CountryCodes. String (2) item_#_orderAcceptance
Country order_acceptance_country
AcceptancePostalCode Order acceptance ZIP/Postal Code. String (10) item_#_orderAcceptancePostalCode order_acceptance_zip
Province This item-level field overrides the corresponding request-level field. This field is not used unless the item_#_orderAcceptanceCity and item_#_orderAcceptance
Country fields are present. Use the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. String (2) item_#_orderAcceptanceState order_acceptance_state
PointOfOrderOriginCity Order origin city. This field is not used unless the taxService_orderOriginState and taxService_orderOriginCountry fields are present. String (50) taxService_orderOriginCity order_origin_state
PointOfOrderOriginCountry This item-level field overrides the corresponding request-level field. This field is not used unless the item_#_ orderAcceptanceState and item_#_orderAcceptanceCity fields are present. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. String (2) item_#_orderAcceptance
Country order_acceptance_country
PointOfOrderOriginPostalCode Order origin postal code. This field is not used unless the taxService_orderOriginCity, taxService_orderOriginState, and taxService_orderOriginCountry fields are present. String (10) taxService_orderOriginPostalCode
PointOfOrderOriginStateProvince Order origin state. This field is not used unless the taxService_orderOriginCity and taxService_orderOriginCountry fields are present. Use the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. String (2) taxService_orderOriginState order_origin_state
ProductCode Type of product. This value is used to determine the product category: electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping. The default value is default. To use the tax calculation service, use values listed in the Tax Product Code Guide. For information about this document, contact Customer Support. String (20) item_#_productCode product_code
ProductName Name of the product. Some services use this value for communication with the customer, so the name should clearly represent the product. For ccAuthService and ccCaptureService, required if item_#_productCode is not default or one of the values related to shipping and handling. String (30) item_#_productName product_name
ProductSku Product’s identifier code. For ccAuthService and ccCaptureService, required if item_#_productCode is not default or one of the values related to shipping and handling. String (30) item_#_productSKU merchant_product_sku
Quantity Quantity of the product being purchased. String (20) item_#_quantity quantity
Rate Jurisdiction tax rate for the item. String (15) taxReply_item_#_jurisdiction_#_rate tax_ offer#_jurisdiction#_rate
ReportingDate Reporting date of any committed transaction. Defaults to current date if not provided. Also the default Tax Calculation Date unless a different date is specified in invoiceHeader_invoiceDate. String (8) taxService_reportingDate tax_reporting_date
RequestIdentifier Identifier for the request. String (26) requestId request_id
ShipFromCity City from which the order is shipped, which is used to determine tax rules and/or rates applied to the transaction based on sourcing. This field is used only when shipFrom_state and shipFrom_country are present. String (50) shipFrom_city ship_from_city
ShipFromCountry Country from which the product is shipped, which is used to determine tax rules and/or rates applied to the transaction based on sourcing. This item-level field overrides the corresponding request-level field. Use the two character ISO Standard Country Codes. String (2) item_#_shipFromCountry ship_from_country
Code Postal code from which the product is shipped, which is used to determine tax rules and/or rates applied to the transaction based on sourcing. This item-level field overrides the corresponding request-level field. String (10) item_#_shipFromPostalCode ship_from_zip
Province State from which the order is shipped, which is used to determine tax rules and/or rates applied to the transaction based on sourcing. This field is used only when shipFrom_city and shipFrom_country are present. Use the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. String (2) shipFrom_state ship_from_state
ShipToCity City of the shipping address. This field is used only when the shipTo_state and shipTo_country fields are present. String (50) shipTo_city ship_to_city
ShipToCountry Country of the shipping address. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. This field is used only when the ship_to_city and ship_to_state fields are present. String (2) ship_to_country ship_to_country
ShipToPostalCode Postal code for the shipping address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. When the shipping country is the U.S., the 9-digit postal code must follow this format:

[5 digits][dash][4 digits]

Example: 12345-6789

When the shipping country is Canada, the 6-digit postal code must follow this format:



Example: A1B 2C3

String (10) shipTo_postalCode ship_to_zip
Province State or province of the shipping address. Use the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. The default value for shipTo_state is billTo_ state. This field is used only when the shipTo_city and shipTo_country fields are present. String (2) shipTo_state ship_to_state
ShipToStreet Street of the shipping address. ship_to_address1
StateProvince This item-level field overrides the corresponding request-level field. This field is not used unless the item_#_orderOriginCity and item_#_orderOriginCountry fields are present. String (15) item_#_orderOriginState order_origin_state
TaxAmount Total tax for all items. String (15) taxReply_totalTaxAmount tax_total_tax
TaxName Name of the jurisdiction tax for the item. For example, CA State Tax. String (15) taxReply_item_#_jurisdiction_#_taxName tax_ offer#_jurisdiction#_name
TransactionType Sale/Refund. Based on refund indicator (refund or not).
UnitPrice Per-item price of the product. This value cannot be negative. String (15) item_#_unitPrice