Case Management Fields

Table 1. Case Management Fields (Custom Fraud Management)
Field Name Definition
ActiveNumberOfRules Indicates the number of rules in use in the profile.
ActiveProfileDecision Decision of active profile.
ActiveProfileName Name of the active profile.
ActiveProfileScore Score of the active profile.
ActiveRuleDecision Summarizes the active rule decision.
ActiveRuleName Name of active rule as it appears in Profile Editor.
ActiveRuleScore Score of the active rules.
OwnerOrganization Organization name of the reviewer assigned to the order.
OwnerUsername Specific reviewer assigned to the order.
PassiveNumberOfRules Indicates the number of rules in use in the profile.
PassiveProfileDecision Decision of passive profile.
PassiveProfileName Name of the passive profile.
PassiveProfileScore Score of the passive profile.
PassiveRuleDecision Summarizes the passive rule decision.
PassiveRuleName Name of passive rule as it appears in Profile Editor.
PassiveRuleScore Score of the passive rules.
Priority Degree of importance assigned to the order.
Queue Order queue selected.
ReviewDate Date and time of final decision.
ReviewDecision Summarizes final outcome for the order.
ReviewNotes Comments made by reviewer about the order.