Customer Fields

Table 1. Customer Fields (Custom Fraud Management)
Field Name Definition
BillingAddress1 First line of billing street address as it appears on credit card issuer’s records.
BillingAddress2 Additional address information.
BillingCity Billing address city.
BillingCompanyName Customer’s company name.
BillingCountry Billing address country.
BillingEmail Customer’s email address.
BillingFirstName First name of the billed customer.
BillingLastName Last name of the billed customer.
BillingPhone Customer’s phone number.
BillingPostalCode Billing address postal code.
BillingState Billing address state or province.
CustomerID Your identifier for the customer.
ShippingAddress1 First line of the shipping address.
ShippingAddress2 Second line of the shipping address.
ShippingCity Shipping address city.
ShippingCompanyName Recipient’s company name.
ShippingCountry Shipping address country.
ShippingFirstName First name of the recipient.
ShippingLastName Last name of the recipient.
ShippingPhone Recipient’s phone number.
ShippingPostalCode Shipping address postal code.
ShippingState Shipping address state or province.