Payment Method Fields

Table 1. Payment Method Fields
Field Name Definition Data Type 
(Length) SOAPI Value SCMP Value
AccountEncoderID AccountEncoder
ID account_encoder_id
AccountSuffix Last four digits of the customer’s payment account number. VARCHAR2 (4) card_suffix customer_cc_number
AccountType AccountType ecp_account_type
BankAccountName Bank's account name. VARCHAR2 (90) BankAccount
Name bank_account_name
BankCheckDigit BankCheckDigit bank_check_digit
BankCity BankCity bank_city
BankCode Bank's code. Used for some countries when you are not using the IBAN. Contact Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. VARCHAR2 (15) BankInfo_bankCode bank_code
BankCountry BankCountry bank_country
BankNumber BankNumber bank_number
Number BankTransit
Number ecp_rdfi
Number Numeric representation of the boleto barcode. VARCHAR2 (50) boleto_payment_bar_code_number
BoletoNumber Boleto Bancário payment number. VARCHAR2 (50) boletoNumber boleto_payment_boleto_number
BranchCode BranchCode branch_code
CardCategory Type of card used. VARCHAR2 (10) cardCategory auth_card_category
CardCategoryCode Code for card type used. VARCHAR2 (10) auth_card_category_code
CardType Type of card to authorize. VARCHAR2 (5) card_cardType card_type
CheckNumber Check number. VARCHAR2 (10) check_checkNumber ecp_check_no
EffectiveDate effectiveDate ecp_effective_date
ExpirationMonth Two-digit month in which the credit card expires. VARCHAR2 (4) card_expirationMonth customer_cc_expmo
ExpirationYear Four-digit year in which the credit card expires. VARCHAR2 (4) card_expirationYear customer_cc_expyr
IbanIndicator IbanIndicator
IssueNumber Number of times a Maestro (UK Domestic) card has been issued to the account holder. VARCHAR2 (5) card_issueNumber customer_cc_issue_number
MandateId Identification reference for the direct debit mandate. VARCHAR2 (35) direct_debit_mandate_mandate_id
MandateType Type of mandate. VARCHAR2 (20)
TransType NetworkToken
TransType network_token_trans_type
SignatureDate Date of signature. Date
StartMonth Month of the start of the Maestro (UK Domestic) card validity period. VARCHAR2 (4) card_startMonth customer_cc_startmo
StartYear Year of the start of the Maestro (UK Domestic) card validity period. VARCHAR2 (4) card_startYear customer_cc_startyr
SwiftCode SwiftCode bank_swiftcode
TypeDescription [DERIVED]
WalletType Type of wallet. VARCHAR2 (20) partnerSolutionID wallet_type