Emailage Fields

Table 1. Emailage Fields (Custom Fraud Management)
Field Name Definition
CompanyName Name of company to which the email belongs.
DomainCategory The category type for company’s email domain.
DomainCompany Domain of company to which the email belongs.
DomainCorporate Indicates if domain is registered to a business.
DomainCountryCode Domain of country code to which the email belongs.
DomainCreationDate Creation date of the domain.
DomainCreationDate-DaysOld Number of days since email domain was created.
DomainExists Verifies if the email domain exists.
DomainName The email address domain name.
DomainRisk Provides risk level for the domain.
EmailCreationDate Creation date of the email.
EmailCreationDate-DaysOld Number of days since email account was created.
EmailExists Verifies if email address exists.
EmailFirstSeenDate The oldest time stamp found for records associated with email address.
EmailFirstSeenDate-DaysOld Number of days since email was first seen.
EmailLocation Location of the person who owns email address.
EmailNameMatch Indicates status of the name of the customer matching the email owner.
EmailOwnerName Name of the person who owns the email address.
EmailageReason Provides information relevant to understanding the Emailage Risk Score.
EmailageReasonDescription Provides information relevant to understanding the Emailage Risk Score.
EmailageRecommendation Recommendation based on results of other Emailage fields.
EmailageRiskBand Indicates the number associated with certain Emailage Score ranges.
EmailageScore Proprietary algorithm that calculates the fraud risk associated with an email address.
FraudType If multiple companies within the Emailage system marked the queried value as fraud, this field provides the most recent fraud type.
Gender Gender of the person who owns the email address.
IP Postal Postal code associated with the IP address.
IPAnonymousProxy Indicates if the user's IP address is an anonymous proxy.
IPCity For U.S., city where the IP is located.
IPCountry Name of the country associated with the IP.
IPRegion For U.S., state where the IP is located.
IPReputation Reputation of the proxy, indicates the likelihood that the user's IP address is an open proxy.
IPRiskLevel Provides the fraud risk for the IP Address.
LastConfirmationDate The last date the email address was queried in the Emailage system.
PhoneSyntaxValidation Indicates if the phone syntax is valid.
SMLinks Count of social media sites that match the queried email.
SocialMediaFriends Total friends for the email owner located on social media sites.
SourceIndustry If FraudType contains a value, this field provides the industry of the most recent company to mark the email as fraud or legitimate.
Title Title of the email owner.
Totalhits Number of times the email address was queried in the Emailage system in a 7 day period.
Uniquehits Number of unique companies that queried the email address in the Emailage system in a 7 day period.