Line Item Fields

Table 1. Line Item Fields
Field Name Definition Data Type 
(Length) SOAPI Value SCMP Value
FulfillmentType Information about the product code used for the line item. VARCHAR2 (2) offer#_fullfillment_type
InvoiceNumber Invoice number for order. VARCHAR2 (30) item_#_invoiceNumber offer#_invoice_number
MerchantProductSku Identification code for the product. VARCHAR2 (255) item_#_productSKU offer#_merchant_product_sku
Number Number of the line item in an order. Number
ProductCode Used to determine product category: electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping. VARCHAR2 (255) item_#_productCode offer#_product_code
ProductName Name of product. VARCHAR2 (255) item_#_productName offer#_product_name
Quantity Quantity of product. Number (12) item_#_quantity offer#_quantity
TaxAmount Total tax to apply to the product. Number (19) item_#_taxAmount offer#_tax_amount
UnitPrice Per-item price of the product. Number item_#_unitPrice offer#_amount